Okay all you flers who've been visiting here because you missed Gavin Yap, U-en or any of the other members of the dysfunctional family in The Homecoming...salvation is here.
Some of those flers are in a new play which promises to be just as weird and entertaining and fucking scary as the last one.
To start your journey into the weird and adsurd world of Samuel Becket and enter the f**ked up minds of Gavin Yap and U-en go here...
The cast and the bloggers finally met this afternoon at 4pm in the midst of a KL storm. A good time was had by all and the bloggers got to see the 'real' sides of the characters they saw on stage. Well, except for Lenny of course. Unfortunately some bloggers didn't show up.
Patrick was the first representative to arrive and proceeded to answer some questions apropos The Homecoming...

So that's what you fuckers thought of the play, eh?

Ruth and Joey have finally gone the whole hog...

and upon returning from Brokeback Mountain, Teddy and Ruth have become 'sisters'.

Fireangel finally got her wish but...

unfortunately Gavin is no longer that way inclined.

The family, as themselves, shamelessly posed for a photo.
TV Smith proposed to
Suanie with some free chocolates from Bulldog while
Paul (Tragic Kingdom) found it all quite tragic.
Su Ann (Pinkpau) was trying very hard to get into the play by arranging for some new biz for Ruth...

as the pimp had gone completely mad.

Ian was showing off his Linda Lovelace impersonation but Ben was thinking 'Been there, done that'.
Zona (Midnite Lily) kept her spirits up...

while Thor tried his best to stay awake by chain-smoking.
I see we have generated over 8000 clicks now. What say you we organise a get together with the bloggers? Or am I being presumptous? Let's all meet at Bulldog (Sri Hartamas).
To further add to the 'what might have been' sequel to The Homecoming......upon returning to America (alone I might add), Teddy took the first available bus to Brokeback Mountain.
I'll think of something to say about Joey a little later.
The above title pretty much says it all......I'm speechless. Speechless at the wonderful response, the way you guys not only supported the production but also remained totally open to it and accepted it without the slightest hint of prejudice. When we first started this blog, you guys didn't know what the play was about, didn't know what kind of issues it raised or what the 'content' would be. I know some of you did know, but a fair amount of people didn't. Yet despite that, you stuck with the blog, showed an interest in what we were trying to do, found out about the play and trusted us not to dissapoint. And based on some of your own reviews, its seems pretty safe to say that everyone went home happy.......in some way or another.
Honestly, I'm not too sure what's going to happen with the blog from here on. The cast and myself are moving on to other projects so I doubt the blog will get the same kind of attention it used. But I'd check back here every once and a while if I were you, cos you never know.......The Homecoming experience hit all of us pretty hard. And in a strange way, I don't think we really got the chance to let go of it completely......I know its an experience that I will carry with me forever and I think most of the cast and crew, if not all of them, feel the same. So I'm pretty sure there's still a fair bit of Homecoming blogging to do. Maybe one day Lenny will feel a bit itchy to get some stuff of his chest, maybe he'll find himself eager to talk about the last woman he considered killing or how Ruth seems to be costing a lot more than she's bringing in or maybe Max will regale you with tales about the old days when he could still get it up........or maybe Sam will return with stories from the land of the dead.....that is, if he really died in the first place.
Once again, thank you for everything. The show wouldn't have been the same without your support. Take care of yourselves and remember........look in on the blog every now and then. Never know what you might find.......after all, its never too late to come home.
p.s Thanks for all the great reviews. The personal letter was particularly entertaining. Fuck you very much for writing it Fireangel.
As an appreciation to all those bloggers who've supported this website and came to see
The Homecoming, here are links of all those who've reviewed the show. If your link is not here, please leave us a comment with the direct permalink to your entry, not the general website address, please - we will link it here.
Reviews & brickbats Notices Again, thank you.

To all of you who came to see us, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The show finally closed today but here's our family portrait for you to remember us by. Love, Teddy.
It's been difficult to write since the show opened. Most nights I leave the theatre feeling like I've been run over by a lorry before being scraped off the road by a tribe of naked cannibal pygmies and slow-cooked in a crockpot. Like Thor and Patrick I get home and find it impossible to sleep. Keep waking up. Some kind of tick. It doesn't help that the clock in my bedroom is exactly the same as the one I try to smash on stage.
Most nights are entirely weird for me. I usually have a sudden attack of Doubt at around 6pm and this has become a ritual. What if the hammer goes astray and I hit Ruth (Jia-Wei)? What if I cock up my cheese roll lines as I'd done countless times before? What if I miss my cue to get out of bed and leave Teddy (Ben) standing at the door like a loon? What if my boxers fall down? I'd been a bit silly about the boxers the during full dress, and Nell didn't really help (sorrylah Nell, I'll take off my socks for you, next week, say?). Too many what ifs, but the shows have been great; thanks to you, the audience.
Now it's Friday and there are only three shows left. I am still jittery before the curtain goes up every night. It won't be over until it's over, and when it's over I suspect I'll fall headlong into depression and take to drinking, or cross-stitching since I already drink. No more Max. No more Sam. No more Ruth, Teddy, Joey.
No more back-stage jokes to lighten the tension. No more laughing like hyaenas for no apparent reason. For the last three months Thor, Patrick, Ben, Jia-Wei, and Ian have been as much a family to me in real life as Max, Sam, Teddy, Ruth, and Joey have been to Lenny. (Ooo, that's not saying much is it? Haha. You know what I mean.)
I shall miss these two families; the one on stage sick and dysfunctional, the one in real life sick and dysfunctional too, but also extremely kind, deeply generous, immensely supportive and above all, ridiculously fun to be with. (Insert glowing adjective and suspiciously sentimental noun here. Wah, U-En is so nice all of a sudden. What does he want ah?).
But wait, it's not over yet.